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Who is Papa Wanga?

Papa Wanga is a divine entity hidden behind a mask. It is a whimsical hermaphroditic being who embodies the malice and frivolity of childhood.

Papa Wanga wears the sacred mask “Wanga”, which gives them their powers.

It is a child who overflows with wisdom, the master of eternal destiny.

The entity possesses two dolls, Baron and M. Ganga, whom he manipulates on the chessboard of life. They are props for him/her to reach mortals, to bind to their emotions, and they feed him the Aché.

Papa Wanga is also an immortal who sees the future.

On stage, it is represented by a 5m x 3m giant screen shaped like a mask.

The mapping was created with a 3D model of the mask and projections of reworked films.


3D Conception
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